Rules for Perfect Stride

Here is the latest Rulebook for Perfect Stride. 5.1mb, PDF format.
The Rulebook is posted here to allow users to learn to play Perfect Stride before owning the game, to replace a lost copy of the rules or supplement your game with additional copies of the rules for game players.

All rulebook pdf content including text and images is copyright 2010 Funleague Games.

Click the image below to download:

Learn to play Perfect Stride!

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For Junior Players (ages 8+). You can use these rules for a simpler game.  There is more detail in this set of rules than in the “basic” rules at the back of the rulebook.  These rules are a great way to introduce the game to anyone unfamiliar with the full game.

Click the button below to download the Junior Rider / Intro Rules:  (Print and keep this rules set with your copy of Perfect Stride)